A budget is a critical part of being able to quit working so you stay home with your kids. Budgeting is also the gateway to peace of mind and financial freedom. A budget will make you look hard at your finances, the ways you are spending money, it will make you examine your priorities and re-align them with your values. A budget will force you to look hard at your debt, and in the process you may just learn a little bit about yourself. To begin with, you need to figure out how you are spending your money and on what. Interestingly, most people have no idea what the answer is to this question. If this describes you, then you need to begin with tracking all your expenses for a month. It is important not to guess. When this is completed, it is time to really scrutinize this list and look for ways to start cutting cost. Start by looking at the big ones, like your home, vehicles, insurance and health care.

If your house payment (rent or mortgage) is to expensive then move! Why be a slave to a mortgage? If moving is not an option, then consider your financing. Can you re-finance at a lower interest rate? Re-financing can save you several hundred dollars a month. There are tons of lending institutions that are willing and ready to help you with your lending needs, not to mention your current institution. Start by negotiating with your current lending institution, which will be eager to listen if you have been a timely payer. Don't go into blind, be prepared. Go online, look up the best interest rates possible for your size mortgage. As you renegotiate you mortgage, make sure you do it with no points and no closing costs.

What about your homeowners insurance? Consider raising your deductible. Shop it! Insurance companies are competitive, some have better pricing than others!


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